HOPE Philippines
Hack for PrEP

Hack for PrEP

The HOPE Philippines’ Pagpupunla: Hack for PrEP is a hackathon designed to engage partner sites and key stakeholders in co-developing tailored solutions to increase the demand for and use of PrEP among key populations.

The design approach is inspired by the principles and concepts of the human-centered design (HCD) framework and its three phases: (a) inspiration, (b) ideation, and (c) pilot implementation. The HOPE Philippines project team views human-centered design as similar to planting seeds and hope that those seeds grow in the future. The Filipino agricultural term “pagpupunla,” which roughly translates to the act of planting seeds, was chosen as the overall theme of the event. Filipino agricultural references interspersed in different pagpupunla sessions were adopted to make the hackathon less intimidating and accessible, especially to those unfamiliar with the hackathon’s vocabulary and concepts. 

HCD - Pagpupunla Hack for PrEP Innovation Journey Photo

The inspiration phase (mga binhi, the seeds) showcased the findings from HOPE Philippines’ review of related literature (RRL), focus group discussions (FGD) and key informant interviews (KIIs), and ideas from the crowdsourcing contest, which we hope to ignite the “spark” towards transformative innovation for PrEP. The ideation phase facilitated the development of potential solutions through a brainstorming session (pagmumuni-muni) followed by discussion with their assigned mentors, resulting in an initial protoype (unang sibol, first sprout) and taking feedback in the revised prototype (pagpapalago, cultivating). The pilot implementation phase (pagsasagawa) involves the small-scale implementation of their solution for the month of February 2023.